ocr: Ekuds - ama. hmdsp.seo0225. - DEXS.EA2. adiatsscaz siazor2. SEESILEL3OR4L. ankns, ercurskapaon. O2MS-175002. CFcopsns00so - 2:000202 SUnALPL/0N ROELSDE410 eusadg CeNSTESS X Ropsssass Deins2eYCoadgy D lerpokepozo Danesd.1085, leistoes CFCevz: A segtsngowe ROEsAgr ecegsgoses - - AC - - - Lertahsnset cepshgoret. Ca 28 - A EC-L9,12317 cestinaape ENEEZSOT crCagsstagose FUAgLH-POTE* ROERALA Figure 1: A decision tree to predict corporate credit quality. This tree was developed without using a testing sample. It has very high - predictive power an the data used to fit it, but achieves far Sower accura ...